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Monday, January 30, 2012

Funny, Funny

I have been saving some of the funny things my kids have been doing/saying over the couple months. There have been tons more that I wish I had saved, but forgot to write down in time. Oh well, this is at least a few.

  • Samantha to Paul: "Hey Paul, can I tell you a secret? You're a boy, I'm a girl. Boys get drinks for girls."
  • Paul had to fill out what he was thankful for for preschool. I couldn't undertsand the word he said (I thought he said teachers) so he started describing the person. "He is a guy with a blue hat. He took care of the dinosaurs. No, he's not on t.v. He lives REALLY, REALLY, REALLY far away. No we can't visit him. No we don't know him. Yes I've met him, he took care of me before you were my mom. I finally figured out he was talking about Jesus (blue hat?). It was sweet that that was what he wanted to put down that he was thankful for. Only Jesus and Lily. No the rest of our family was not included.
  • We were doing a family home evening on gratitude and Samantha was in charge. I helped her make a turkey with a lot of feathers. The feathers were to write things we were grateful for on. When asked what the lesson was on Sammi responded, "finding feathers to put on turkeys." I think she missed the point a little.
  • Paul was not listening the other day when it was time to eat lunch. He kept getting off his chair and messing around. I finally got frustrated and said "Paul, for the love, would you get on your chair and eat your lunch?" He responded..."I WILL eat my lunch you mean mom."
  • On my birthday Paul told me "Mom, Lily's really cute, and I'm cute but you're not cute. You're old. You're like thousand, but I still love ya." Nice.

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