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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I haven't been posting pictures (again it was the lack of camera cord), but I have been completing projects. I haven't done one this week, but here are my previous three.

An awesome necklace (I made one in green too, but it broke)

A tile with a picture of the temple on it. These were super easy and I actually made 16 (one for all of my laurels). Even with making that many it only took me a little over 2 hours (about 10 minutes for each one). Not bad.

Cake balls. I am thinking about making these at Sammi's birthday. They are cake in the middle and chocolate/sprinkles on the outside. My chocolate wasn't cooperating so they aren't as nice looking as they could be, but I was still pleased with the overall affect.


~Kate said...

I'm impressed!!

-kim said...

cory....are you wondering where that necklace is? i saw that exact one in my church bag on Sunday and was wondering where in the world it came from! i also found a few of your books...i will get them in the mail soon.

the chocolate on cake balls is so hard for me to figure out. i have tried them twice..maybe the third time will be the charm!

Julia Willis Portraits said...

Look at you go! I love all the little artistic projects you have been working on...I wish I could come and make some stuff with you!

Jeff Snoy said...

Cory,You are sooo talented and are willing to "risk it" and try things out. I am continually impressed and amaed at what you do and who you are. I do know how to spell. That letter isn't working on Jeff's laptop. Love you guys!! Nanette xoxo