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Sunday, April 12, 2009


I decided that I didn't want to do the whole egg hunt and Easter basket ON Easter since (when Sammi's older) it will detract from what Easter is really about. So, we did it yesterday with both Adam's family and my family coming over to my mom and dad's house. Samantha was so excited to go find the eggs. She was trying to get upstairs so fast that she kept tripping. She was also yelling "Let's get the eggs! Let's get the eggs!" I am really glad that we did it yesterday since today it snowed quite a bit. Enough that they cancelled church. I guess we didn't really focus on the REAL Easter either day. Oh well. Here are some pictures from yesterday, and a couple of Sammi playing out in the snow with Adam today. might notice I cut Samantha's hair and gave her bangs. I wasn't crazy about it at first, but it's growing on me.

Paul wishing he could be out there with them

1 comment:

The Stradling Family said...

Her bangs make her look older, I think. Cute.