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Sunday, August 31, 2008


I am officially a vacation-a-holic, and no I do not think that's a certified mental illness, but maybe it should be. As soon as I get home from one vacation, I'm off planning the next adventure. What can I say, I LOVE to travel. I think it helps break up the monotony of staying at home with 2 kids. I also love it when people come to visit (hint, hint to anyone living out of state). So now I'm trying to figure out how to go to Vegas to see Wicked sometime in the next few months before we leave. If anyone would be interested in going down there with us and trade babysitting and hang out, let me know. I'm also trying to plan taking Adam to Hawaii for his graduation gift...yes I told him, I can't keep my big mouth shut. Thanks to my cousin Michelle we might have a place to stay for free, and my parents can watch our kids, so all we need is way to get over there. Plane tickets are between $1,000 - $1,500 apiece, can you believe it?? It's too bad we aren't rich or we could go everywhere I want. These are only two of the vacations I'm hoping might work out in my not to distant future.


CAMI said...

hey Hopkins family! We went private with our blog. I don't have your e-mail address to sent you an invite will you call me and give that to me so we can add you to our blog! Thanks Cami

Emily said...

Cory--your blog is really cute! I LOVE the pic of sammi and paul. What could be cuter? And, no, I can't believe that plane tickets are so much! You are a good wife to plan that for him, though! What a great gift! We'd love to go with you guys to see Wicked in Vegas, but I just can't bring myself to travel down there with Jason and being this pregnant again right was just too tiring! Maybe after I have the baby! It's fun to check in on you guys this way! Hope you don't mind but I've added you to our list of contacts!