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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

He's so OLD!

I am officially married to an old man, Adam turned 30! Okay, it's not old at all but I remember being in college and thinking that 30 sounded forever away and that when Adam and I got there we'd have life all figured out. HA! Little did I know Adam would still be in school we'd be living in my parents' house with my sister, and we would still be living on student loans. The only thing that's changed is we have 3 kids. Man, on paper our life doesn't look so hot. Adam's birthday was pretty low key, but it was nice. I think the kids were more excited than he was about celebrating. They wanted to make him a chocolate cake (he bought a key lime pie for himself) that they decorated. After we sang and had a piece of cake we put the kids to bed and had a couple good friends over for dinner. We are actually celebrating this weekend...Adam and I are leaving the kids while we go to an Avs game and stay up in Denver for the night. It will be great to get away, we haven't had a date without Lily since she came home from the hospital.

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