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Monday, March 9, 2009

Chicago, Part 2

After we left Kim's house we drove up to Naperville to spend a few days with my sister Kelle & Chris at their house (yes there are two uncles named Chris and two cousins named Grant that live in Chicago-it was a bit confusing). Unfortunately they had the flu right before we got there and Kelle was still recovering. We did a lot of hanging out and Adam and I took the younger kids to another children's museum.

Hailey loved Paul and kept asking if she could come on the plane with us so she could babysit him for me. Unfortunately I couldn't take her up on the offer. Sammi and Grant had a great time playing together and I was amazed at how well they interacted. One day they spent at least an hour in the basement playing "night night" before coming up. It was great! She also had fun with Carter and Andrew and kept asking where they were when they were at school. She was telling me that they were her best cousins. It was sweet, although I'm not sure she knows what "best" means, because she has named all of her cousins and her "best" cousin at one point. She also told me Talmage was her best cousin, so there ya go. It was great to see everyone and spend some time with all of you. Thanks to Kim and Kelle for having us, we had a great time and can't wait to see you all again. Love you and miss you already!

Paul & Grant in their matching Lightning McQueen PJ's
The Children's Museum

Think Sammi got a little wet?

Sammi and Grant
Helping Paul on the teeter-totter
Watching a movie on the DVD player rather than on the big tv

I couldn't believe it, but this is the only picture I have of Carter and Andrew, having a picnic and watching Veggie Tales
Paul outside on our last day in Naperville

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