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Tuesday, June 2, 2009


After we moved to Colorado I decided I wanted to learn to sew. I still have a long ways to go, but I've been proud of the projects I've been able to complete. Luckily there are TONS of free tutorials for fun projects on the Internet. I am amazed that these people are able to think of these things and how to pull them off. Even if I were an expert seamstress I couldn't think of these cute ideas. Since Adam lost my camera, I am going to post photos from the tutorials of what I've been making, but I will say, what I made looks pretty darn good and besides being made of different materials, they look almost the same.

My favorite project has been a dress made from one of Adam's old shirts (if I get my camera back, I'll post a picture of this one, I LOVE it). The tutorial is at The shirt I made is blue and has a brown waist as well as a flower/button applique on the bottom left of the dress.
After making these bibs I decided I would add more of a curved top so they looked more like bibs (these are square). Mine were made for a boy and used a jungle print. I think they turned out cute and were pretty easy. The tutorial is at
I actually like my bag a lot better than the way this one turned out. I didn't add the button, and overall I just like the look of mine better, but this gives you an idea. The tutorial is

I have also started making cakes using fondant. It is not as difficult as I would have thought. I've only made a couple so far and they have turned out okay. They look good as long as you don't look to closely. I'm going to attempt to make a castle cake for Samantha's birthday. I've found one that I'm reasonably sure I can pull off. We'll find out soon enough I guess. So now that I swe, make cakes, and scrapbook can I still consider myself crafty since all I do is copy other people's great ideas...hmmm


-kim said...

cory...that is so funny! i just had meredith help me make the same dress from the same blog! i love how they turn out, and how i am using all of chris' old shirts...he always gets holes in the elbows. i can't wait to see how yours turned out!

The Stradling Family said...

what a crafty woman! i'm so impressed.

Rob, Brooke, Breanna and Ethan said...

cory, i'm super impressed! and yes, i would DEFINITELY call you crafty.....even if it's off other's ideas, it's way more then i can do. i would like to copy you and become inspired to be crafty myself :)